Directions to Hoot's Hideaway
First, make your way to Hochatown, OK. Do that by setting your GPS to find Hochatown, OK. You can get pretty close to the cabin by searching for Girls Gone Wine in Broken Bow - 10216 US-259, Broken Bow, OK 74728
You’ll know you are at Girls Gone Wine when you get to Hochatown and see the bright yellow Girls Gone Wild sign on the top of the building on the right side of the road.

Keep heading north on US 259. After about a half mile or so, you’ll see a sign for “Beaver’s Bend State Park – Carson Creek Area” on the right. (Sometimes the sign is hard to see at night if it's not lit up.) Keep heading north – you’re almost there.

Stay on Hwy 259 for another .3 miles or so and turn left on Sugar Berry Road. Just before you get to Sugar Berry Rd,. you'll see a big cleared area on the left side of the road where Lambert Lumber is getting ready to build.
Turn left onto Sugar Berry and stay on this winding paved road for a ½ - ¾ mile or so. Pay attention to the street signs as you go through the one intersection and stay on Sugar Berry Road.
When you get to the top of the hill, you’ll see two blue cylindrical water towers. Turn right onto Pickleberry. Go three streets and turn right onto Grape. The first street on your left after you turn on Grape is Green Apple Trail. Turn onto Green Apple and come down the big hill. Hoot's Hideaway, 263 Green Apple Trail (34.1689, -94.76838) is the last cabin on the right at the very bottom of the hill.
Note: To have your map point right to the cabin, you can tell some GPS systems to find Hoot's Hideaway in Broken Bow (Hochatown), OK. GPS address = 34.1689, -94.76838